Kanban System

A Kanban System is a visual management method used to improve workflow efficiency and optimize the flow of work in a process. It originated from the Toyota Production System and has been widely adopted in various industries and software development as part of Agile practices. Kanban boards are the primary visual representation used to implement the Kanban System.
Key points about a Kanban System include:
- Visual Representation: A Kanban board is a visual representation of the workflow, typically divided into columns that represent different stages or steps in the process. Each column contains cards representing work items (tasks, user stories, or features).
- Work in Progress (WIP) Limits: Kanban sets explicit limits on the number of work items allowed in each column, known as Work in Progress (WIP) limits. These limits prevent overloading the team and ensure a smooth flow of work.
- Pull-Based System: The Kanban System follows a pull-based approach, meaning work is pulled into the next stage only when there is capacity and the WIP limit allows it. This prevents bottlenecks and helps maintain a steady flow.
- Continuous Flow: Kanban aims to achieve a continuous flow of work, eliminating idle time and reducing cycle time between request and delivery.
- Focus on Cycle Time and Lead Time: Cycle time is the time taken to complete a single item, while lead time is the time from the request until the item is delivered. Kanban seeks to minimize both cycle time and lead time.
- Visual Signals: Kanban cards often include visual signals or icons to indicate the type of work, priority, due dates, or any other relevant information.
- Kaizen and Continuous Improvement: Kanban encourages teams to regularly review and improve their processes through a philosophy of continuous improvement (Kaizen).
- Flexibility and Adaptability: Kanban is highly flexible and can be adapted to various processes, including software development, customer support, and project management.
- Transparency and Collaboration: The visual nature of Kanban boards promotes transparency, making the progress of work visible to all team members, stakeholders, and customers. This fosters collaboration and informed decision-making.
- Pull Signals Replenishment: When a work item is completed and moved to the last column (e.g., “Done”), it creates a pull signal that prompts the team to replenish the work from the earlier stages.
Kanban provides teams with a simple yet effective method for managing work and improving the flow of value through a process. By visualizing the work and using WIP limits, Kanban helps identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. It emphasizes efficiency, adaptability, and collaboration, making it a valuable tool for teams seeking to optimize their processes and deliver value more effectively.